Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Monumen Van Heutsz

PATUNG KEPALA ITU MASIH TERSIMPAN ?. Alkisah ada sebuah monumen tepatnya di jalan Cut Mutia sekarang di Jakarta, bernama Van Heutsz Monument (Monumen Van Heutsz). Pada zaman Jepang, lalu pada zaman Indonesia merdeka dibongkar. Pada tanggal 18 Februari 2015 bertempat di Museum Bronbeek Belanda ada pameran ‘Oorlog! Van IndiĆ« tot IndonesiĆ«’ dimana sebagian sisa patung monumen diatas dipamerkan. Sungguh menarik untuk juga diketahui oleh masyarakat Indonesia ? Adapun keterangannya dalam artikel penerbitan Java Post ( yang diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris (versi google) : Bronbeek opens new exhibition. The Van Heutsz monument in Jakarta was a masterpiece of Dutch sculpture by Dudok and Vargas. In 1953 it was demolished. Preservation Officer Robert Easton of the bronbeek museum was the debris of the monument on. they are a donation of Mrs Koosje van der Peijl-Nagi and Gerard Hoogland. They will be on display in the exhibition ' war! From Dutch East India to Indonesia 1945/1950 '. The monument is from the idea formation in 1924 to the demolition have been controversial. Johannes Benedictus van Heutsz (1851-1924) was the Commander of the KNIL, die hard was acting against the guerrillas in Indie. Partly because of his performance were order, peace and prosperity. Dutch East Indies under his authority was a political unit. The discussion whether he was a hero or villain, is to present both in Indonesia and Netherlands. What travel completed the monumental fragments? The father of Koosje van der Peijl-Nolte was driving during the Bersiap period in Jakarta along the Heutszmonument's. He saw that pemoeda's were working the image to blow up. He got out and asked for a number of Heads of the image. In Exchange for cigarettes he took the pieces with it. The images then layers a time when Koosjes mother in the garden in Indonesia. When she remarried with Mr W.H.Hoogland and and they moved to Netherlands they took the pieces with it. They saw the value of the monument in and were pleased that something from all over left off. Then went the images with Koosje to England because they are beautiful in the garden was made. Since they have 46 years in their garden in London.
On the pictures you can see we the monument in different phases: in full glory for the war, shortly after the Proklamasi in 1945 and finally the debris as they are in London in the garden layers at Koosje van der Peijl-Nagi and her husband. With the exhibition ' war! From Dutch East Indie to Indonesia ', opened today the museum, 70 years on, the decolonization period from 1945 in perspective. Also the complex story and the position of the KNIL is well covered. For visitors there is a free exhibition newspaper, with historical backgrounds and practical help in finding information about the own family.
The exhibition lasts until 3 January 2016. In the course of this year different activities around decolonization. Foto terlampir Monumen Van Heutsz zaman baheula dan patung yang sedang dipamerkan di Bronbeek.

Komposisi patung-patung ini katanya bercerita, dikala van Heutsz berkuasa maka lengkaplah wilayah Hindia Belanda dari Sabang sampai Merauke itu. Lalu digambarkan kalau orang Jawa dengan model seorang pemuda sedang duduk diatas gajah akan memerintah dikelak kemudian hari setelah pihak kolonial angkat kaki. Tentu saja ini setelah orang pribumi dididik dan dilatih sehingga berkemampuan untuk memerintah negeri. Disekeliling patung adalah anak negeri dalam wilayah nusantara yang makmur. Dibelakang ada patung 3 orang pemuda pelengkap dari Aceh sampai Irian. Baru diatasnya ada patung Gubernur Jenderal van Heutsz ? Pintar juga Belanda kolonialis kala itu bikin pencitraan ini, yang mungkin maksudnya bener juga mengingat karena datangnya zaman Jepang, tidak ada kesempatan lagi untuk melatih orang Indonesia sehingga pandai mengatur negeri ? Foto Pak Heutsz (yang juga tokoh perang Aceh) zaman berkuasa sebagai Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda 1904 - 1909.

1 komentar:

  1. Bagus lah masih ada sisa-sisanya yang tersimpan disana. Kita memang tidak mampu merawat (peninggalan) sejarah. Yang ada terus saja dirusak, dihancurkan, dihilangkan, diganti, oleh monumen-monumen atau bangunan yang tasteless!
